
1. Fertilizer for herbs

Fertilizing herbs

Organic fertilizer is excellent for fertilizing herbs, just keep in mind that herbs belong to the third track. Even those herbs at the top of the list that require higher soil nutrition do not fertilize often. A 1.3L package of FERTILIZER is enough for 200L watering, so one such package will cover several seasons of your cultivation.

You can read more information about growing herbs at

Table briefly showing the need and frequency of herb fertilization.

2. Application of fertilizer to herbs

Apply watering to herbs and houseplants. Either for more plants when you pour 5 ml of fertilizer per 1L of water into a container. Let stand for 30 minutes – 4 hours and apply with watering. Or when fertilizing one plant, put a pinch in a bowl of water and apply in the same way. The lye will reach the roots faster and the fertilizer balls will gradually decompose on the soil and release nutrients in the next about 2 weeks before they decompose.

fertilizing herbs by watering

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3. Fertilization of herbs

The need for fertilization 100%
2021 02 13 11 19 22


fertilize twice a month

The soil for growing marjoram must be very fertilized, as the plant requires a large amount of nutrients. Watering should be adequate, we do not overflow. Fertilize only with organic fertilizers.

The need for fertilization 80%


fertilize twice a month

Fertilization of growing chives outside is suitable in autumn, when we can sprinkle organic fertilizer or compost and mulch around the tufts (thermal protection). During the winter and spring it will intensify and form large tufts with dark green leaves. More frequent fertilization of chives is not necessary.

Indoor chives, on the other hand, need to be fertilized more often, but always with a high-quality organic fertilizer that dissolves best in water (see our insect tea or watering). Nitrogen in organic fertilizer will not bother us when consumed, but if you use mineral fertilizers you can hurt yourself.

The need for fertilization 60%


fertilize 1-2 times a month from March to August

Rosemary does not need much watering during the growing season, but it does not like drying out. From March to March, it is advisable to fertilize 1-2 times a month with organic fertilizer diluted in water. Remember to transplant rosemary into a larger pot every year.

The need for fertilization 60%
máta peprná


fertilize 1-2 times a month from March to August

Mint is not a typical herb from the point of view of fertilization. It requires more nutritious soil and richer organic matter than other herbs. Fertilize twice a month with organic fertilizer.

The need for fertilization 60%

Lemon balm

fertilize twice a month during the growing season

During the growing season, we fertilize lemon balm twice a month. Both nettle broth and organic fertilizer are suitable.

The need for fertilization 60%


fertilize twice a month during the growing season

Fertilize regularly every 14 days during the growing season.

The need for fertilization 60%
měsíček lékařský


manure 1x in 4-6 weeks

Fertilize every four to six weeks with a balanced fertilizer throughout the growing season until the winter months.

The need for fertilization 50%


fertilize once a month

We do not overdo it with fertilizing basil, otherwise it will lose its strong aroma. Although it needs basic nutrition, it is not strong. Fertilization is enough about once a month, and basically only with organic fertilizers.

The need for fertilization 20%
2021 02 13 18 11 46


not necessary, but 1x / month advantage

The need for fertilization 20%
řeřicha setá


it is not necessary, spend once a month if you notice a lack of nutrients

Although the plant does not have high nutrient requirements, cultivated watercress may show signs of a deficiency of potassium, iron or phosphorus. Complete soluble fertilizer applied to the recommended extent should alleviate any of these problems.

The need for fertilization 10%


fertilize max 1x per year

Thyme is not a plant that is hungry after fertilization. Thyme does not tolerate direct fertilization even with organic fertilizer. It is beneficial to fertilize it once a year and avoid fertilizers too rich in nitrogen so that growth is not at the expense of the content of aromatic substances. Lightly fertilize with our manure.

The need for fertilization 10%


She doesn't like fertilizing. Only seedlings will appreciate organic fertilization.

You can treat Lichořeřišnice seedlings with organic fertilizer, but the herb itself in the vegetation does not like fertilizer.

2021 02 13 17 45 45


fertilization is not required

5. Bylinky které se dají pěstovat dohromady

Je možné pěstovat mnoho druhů bylinek společně, a to buď v jedné nádobě nebo v jednom záhonu. Následující seznam obsahuje několik příkladů bylinek, které se dobře kombinují:

  1. Rozmarýn, tymián a šalvěj – Tyto bylinky mají podobné nároky na půdu a vlhkost a vytvářejí společně pěknou aromatickou zahradu.

  2. Mátové bylinky – Máta, citronová máta a oregano jsou příkladem bylinek, které mají rády vlhké půdy a rostou společně dobře.

  3. Petržel a koriandr – Tyto bylinky jsou často používány v kuchyni a dobře se kombinují v jedné nádobě. Mají podobné nároky na půdu a vlhkost.

  4. Bazalka a rajčata – Bazalka a rajčata se často používají společně v italské kuchyni. Vysazujte je společně v jednom záhonu nebo v nádobě.

  5. Chilli papričky a koriandr – Tyto bylinky se často používají v asijské kuchyni a vytvářejí společně pěknou zahradu.

Je však důležité si uvědomit, že bylinky mají různé nároky na slunce, půdu a vlhkost, takže při kombinování bylinek je třeba zvážit, zda jsou pro sebe vhodné.

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